How do I redeem a license code?
Signup for an account inside Label LIVE and once logged in, click Redeem.
License codes are short (8 character) codes that can be redeemed for a Label LIVE license. Once redeemed, the license may be used like any other Label LIVE license.
Download and Install
Download and install Label LIVE from our website. App Store versions of Label LIVE do not support license codes.
Once open, click any "Watermark" button. It will look like this:
Enter the email address that will manage your Label LIVE licenses.
Setup Account
You will receive an email with instructions to finish setting up your account. Once finished, login. Click "Computers" to view all registered computers and click Redeem.
Redeem License
Enter the short 8-character code. The license is now available to use.
Assign License
Label LIVE is licensed per computer. Click the available license and choose the computer you want to license.
If the computer is not listed you will want to register the computer or create a license invite. Invites can be sent to a user that has Internet access, but does not have access to their own Label LIVE account.
Install License
If Label LIVE is running on the same computer you can click Install. You will receive an email with a license file attached.
You're done. Enjoy using Label LIVE.
Related FAQs
How do I move a license to a different computer?
Login to Label LIVE on your new computer to retire your old computer and reuse your existing license.
Can I use a software license on more than one computer?
Label LIVE is designed to be licensed per computer.
Can I license a computer not connected to the Internet?
Copy the computer's registration and manually add the computer to the Label LIVE License Manager website.