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Ultimate Guide to Label Printer Troubleshooting

There's an old saying, "the problem with computers is that they do exactly what we tell them." Indeed, printers in general, and label printers especially, are fussy little robots being told exactly what to do.

Most label printer problems boil down to a few simple points. Follow along in our guide to label printer troubleshooting to resolve your label printing problems.

Thermal Printer Calibration

A lot can go wrong if your label printer doesn't understand how "long" each label is. Learn how to calibrate like a pro:

Default Printing Page Size

When computers "print" they always print to "pages." Makes sense. However, label printers use "labels" but the system printer driver still treats each label as a separate "page". This can lead to labels printing too small or large. To fix, you must setup your driver's default page size. Learn how, here:

Skipping or Blank Labels

There is nothing more frustrating than a label printer that skips labels. Learn how to fix the issue here:

Are just parts of your labels blank? Suffering from a white vertical bar or band? Check out our guide on inspecting the print head:

Using Label LIVE's Print Preview

Use Label LIVE's Print Preview feature to verify that the label looks correct before printing:

App Not Responding?

Try these easy fixes when Label LIVE seems slow, doesn't respond, or won't open.