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How do I print two different label sizes on the same windows printer?


Create a second print-queue and set each queue's page/media size defaults.

Most label printers can only print one label size at a time. To print different sizes, you need to open the printer and change the roll of labels. This should be easy, but in our experience it's impossible to get Windows to print correctly-sized labels without a dozen clicks to tinker with the default page size.

Before you continue reading this advanced guide, please try the simpler solution for per-design custom printer settings.

The rest of this guide will give you a foundation to build your own label-swapping setup with the minimal amount of operator clicks. The writing below is based on an Epson driver. Other printer drivers will have different functionality.

One quick note: Label LIVE simplifies label printing by defining the label size on the Label tab and the printer on the Print tab. This two-part simplification is much different than drivers. The words you'll read below (e.g. Printer, Label, Media, Page, Queue, Driver, Function, Port) all mean something different depending on what Windows 10/11 setting screens you're on.

We truly wish printing wasn't so complicated. Remember: YOU ARE SMART and label printing is complicated! 🧠

Goal: Swap the Physical Labels, Click Print

It's already a pain to switch labels in the printer, so let's try to avoid a bunch more clicks. Our goal is to...

  1. Swap the labels inside the printer

  2. Open the correct Label LIVE design

  3. Click Print

That's it. Let's learn how we setup an Epson ColorWorks (CW) C6000Au on Windows 10 using two label sizes: 3x1.5" and 4x3".

Default Media Sizes

In the world of Windows, printers consume and eject media (e.g. labels, tags, paper). Each Windows printer can be pre-configured with different media settings (e.g. width and height). To access these settings, click the Start menu and type "printer" and open "Printers and Scanners."

Chances are you have one printer installed and it looks like this. Click the printer's name and click Manage.

Printer Properties

The most important media settings are under Printer Properties > Advanced > Printing Defaults...

Inside Printing Defaults you will see different media settings. If you need to set more printing options (e.g. cutter, quality, etc) you might find setting up a favorite worthwhile.

In order to simplify this FAQ, we do not show you how to add different pre-sets. You can explore the menus and add what you need to get your job done.

Note: If you're not using an Epson ColorWorks printer this screen will look different.

In general, you will start by defining a media setting and adjust the sizes. We like to suffix the sizes/favorites with their respective terms because it gets confusing if you use the same name for all the things. Here we have "4x3-media" and also "4x3-fav" (not shown).

Once you feel good about the settings click OK to save the Defaults. Before you leave Printer Properties you may change the printer name to describe your customization (e.g. label size). Do this under the General tab of Printer Properties.

Click OK to save the properties. If you change the name, you may have to click the back arrow (upper-left) and click Manage again... We love WIndows.

Add Another Printer 🪄🖨

This is the magic step that allows two different sizes. Click Back to return to Printer & Scanner Settings and click Add a printer...

Wait a few seconds and click the blue text "The printer that I want isn't listed..."

Then "Add a local printer..."

Choose the SAME PORT as the existing printer. Here, we're re-using the USB001 port that clearly shows the EPSONCW-C6000Au already in use. If you're using a network port then you will want to make the selection that reuses that same port.

Double-check the model and click Next.

Accept the default (or not). It is unclear to us if this matters.

Choose a new name that matches the alternate label size.

Understanding The Combined Printers

On some versions of Windows the two printers are shown separately.

Other versions of Windows show the printers merged. The settings for each printer only becomes accessible after you click Manage.

Managing, Setting and Ensuring Printing Defaults

Follow the same path to double-check the Printer Properties > Advanced > Printing Defaults... and make sure the correct Media Size is listed.

Windows printing has different "layers" built on top of each other. It's best practice to also click the Printing preferences button. Ensure the media size is set, and if not, re-select the Favorite for the selected label size.

Repeat this process (both Printer properties and Printing preferences) for the other label size by changing the drop-down menu. The screenshot below is very confusing... note the drop-down has 4x3 selected. It seems we must read everything closely, yet ignore the upper-left printer name... which still shows the alternate name.

You may even want to go back and forth between them to build your confidence.

In short, double and triple check that each printer's settings makes sense. Go all the way out to "Printers and Scanners" then travel down each "set of settings" until you feel comfortable that everything looks perfect.

Maybe you can tell, but we have developed a major distrust of Windows printer drivers. And for good reason! These things seem to have a mind of their own. If you run into issues, go back through these menus and double-check that the settings have stuck.

Device Manager

Congratulations, you're basically done. If you're curious you can see how the Windows objects relate to each other by visiting the Computer Management app.

Label LIVE Printer Selection

Since apps technically print to queue objects (not printer objects), these two queues are listed within Label LIVE (as System Printers).

When using this technique there should be no reason to use the Label LIVE printer's Custom Settings (blue button above) for your Windows System Printers. You may return them to Default.

Please contact us if you have found an error in this guide.

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