How can I select rows to print?
You can search, choose data rows, perform a match, or use a column for label copies.
Label LIVE offers multiple ways to print batches of labels.
Data > Search
On the Data tab, click the Rows menu and start typing.
Read more about data search here:
Print > Data Rows
On the Print tab, click the Data Rows text box for examples. You can choose rows, enter individual row numbers, ranges (e.g. 1-4), or dynamic matching of column data.
Print > Copies
Spreadsheets often have a column that contains a value of how many copies should be printed.
With this example, we want to print 2 copies of the first label, 1 copy of the third label, etc.
On the Print tab, set Data Rows to ALL
and choose the QTY
variable for the number of copies.
Read more about dynamic label copies here:
Advanced API Integration
If your label printing needs are driven by complicated business logic, you should consider printing using an API integration: