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Scan Barcodes And Save Barcode as Image Teaser Image

Scan Barcodes And Save Barcode as Image

This barcode to image guide shows off how you can chain multiple Label LIVE features to achieve a dramatic improvement in workflow. Building off our previous Barcode Duplication guide, we take it a step further to show how you can scan a barcode and save a high DPI PNG image of that barcode's data, or something else entirely.

Please read our previous barcode duplicator guide if you have not already.

Example of Barcodes Design

We made a few cosmetic changes to the previous barcode duplication design.

  • Enabled Full Color

  • Increased image DPI from 200 to 300

  • Custom Text for Barcode Value (white on blue)

Change File Preview Method

Change the Preview Method from "Label PDF" to "Batch Images."

Choose Save Location

Click "Save to..." and choose a folder on your computer to save the image.

When ready, it will look like this:

Setup Filename for Saving Barcode Image

The final step for saving your barcode image is to set the Filename to the {CODE}.

Test Print Barcode Image

Whenever you print it will generate an image in the directory with the name of the scanned CODE.
