How do I update to the newest version?
Click this website's Download button. For App Store users you can use the App Store app to manage updates.
The easiest way to update Label LIVE to the latest version is to visit our Download site.
What about my designs?
Saved designs are saved as individual files to your computer. Updating Label LIVE will not remove or change your design documents. However, it's always a great idea to backup your files if you feel they are at risk from a computer failure.
First, quit Label LIVE. Download the latest version of Label LIVE and when finished downloading, double-click the dmg file to open the "disk image." Drag the Label LIVE app icon to the Applications folder. Launch Label LIVE as usual and verify the version in the bottom right corner of the Home screen.
To cleanup, eject the Disk Image and delete the downloaded file.
Updating Label LIVE is the same as the installation process. It's basically an in-place re-install.
Download the latest version of Label LIVE and when finished downloading, double-click the exe file to start the installer. Label LIVE will open when the installer finishes.
If you interrupt the installer (by trying to launch Label LIVE) you may need to start the Label LIVE installation again.
App Stores
If you originally downloaded Label LIVE from an App Store you should visit the App Store to manage any updates.