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Bold, Underline and Italic Text Style Using Markup

In the world of design software there is an acronym called WYSIWG which stands for "What you see is what you get." If you've ever used Microsoft Word or Apple Pages, you have undoubtedly clicked a button to make a font bold, italic, underline or striked.

You might be wondering: Where are these buttons in Label LIVE?

Instead of buttons, Label LIVE uses simple "markup" to note where a text object's font should change style.

Markup uses angle brackets < and >. In practice, markup looks like this:

Hello, my name is <u>Jane</u>.

Simply put, underline starts at <u> and ends at </u>. Text between the start and end becomes underlined. The word "Jane" becomes underlined.

Available Markup

  • <b> to bold

  • <i> to italicize

  • <u> to underline

  • <s> to strike-through

Feel free to use upper-case or lower-case; they'll work the same.

In traditional WYSIWG, Label LIVE Data Variables can complicate how text is styled because the text may change length with different data. Using markup, defining text style becomes easy and predictable.

Hello, my name is <u>{NAME}</u>.

Here, the variable {NAME} will be underlined.

For example, let's say your goal is to style an ingredient list where "local" ingredients are underlined. In Excel and CSV, there's no way to export underlined style. Markup to the rescue!

The variable {CONTAINS} is set to:

<u>Flour</u>, salt, water, 
yeast, <u>mozzarella</u>, tomatoes,
<u>olive oil</u>.
