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How to Create Barcodes Without Printed Check Digit Teaser Image

How to Create Barcodes Without Printed Check Digit

A user wrote us an email asking if their UPC barcode could be printed with the check digit removed. Sure!

First, create a text object with the text: {CODE}. The word CODE is just an example. You can use any word you'd like, perhaps {SKU} or {PRODUCT}.

All upper-case text wrapped in curly braces "{" and "}" is automatically converted to a variable that can be used on the Data tab.

Adding the text {CODE} will create a variable named CODE on the Data tab. Click Data and type in the UPC number.

Next, create a UPC barcode object.

  • Uncheck "Show value"

  • Click "Value"

  • Choose "CODE"

You can delete the check digit from the variable and the label updates automatically. Keep in mind that the check digit is still included in the barcode itself.

Now you have full control over the text's look and feel. Heads up: When the barcode is scanned it will always include the check digit.

Happy labeling!

